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Hillary Clinton Concedes Defeat In Presidential Election

Hillary Clinton Concedes Defeat in Presidential Election

Hillary Clinton formally conceded to Donald Trump this morning after an upset defeat in the Presidential election.

Clinton delivered a message of both disappointment and hope during her concession speech.

In a long-anticipated speech, Hillary Clinton formally conceded to Donald Trump this morning after an upset defeat in the Presidential election. Clinton, who was the Democratic nominee, lost the Electoral College vote to Trump, the Republican nominee, by a margin of 306 to 232. Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, but under the Electoral College system, the candidate who wins the most electoral votes wins the presidency.

In her concession speech, Clinton said that she was "disappointed" by the outcome of the election, but she also expressed her hope for the future of the country. She said that she believes that America is "stronger together" and that she will continue to work to make the country a better place for all Americans.
