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Hillary Clinton 2016 Vice President

Hillary Clinton Names Senator Tim Kaine as Running Mate

Key Points:

  • Hillary Clinton announces Tim Kaine as her vice-presidential running mate.
  • Kaine is a centrist senator from Virginia with a strong record in public service.
  • The pick is seen as an attempt to appeal to moderate voters and balance the Democratic ticket.

Additional Information:

Hillary Clinton's announcement comes after months of speculation and anticipation. Kaine, a former governor of Virginia, has served in the Senate since 2013. He is known for his ability to work across the aisle and build consensus.

Clinton's choice of Kaine is seen as an effort to appeal to moderate voters, particularly those who supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Kaine's moderate views and experience in government are expected to help Clinton win over voters who are concerned about her liberal policies.

The announcement of Kaine as Clinton's running mate comes at a critical time in the election season. With the Republican National Convention just days away, the Democrats are hoping to energize their base and win over undecided voters.

The Guardian

